All YES learning paths and courses come with CEU Certificates. Course description, learning objectives and CEUs can be found under pricing.

Corporate pricing is available upon request.

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  • Nationally recognized educators
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    • Handouts for all webinars
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  • All of the courses provided by YES offer a minimum 12-week enrollment period. Extensions to the enrollment period are available upon request.

See our Education Catalog here.


Learning Path & Courses Information:

This Learning Path will review and discuss Mental and Behavioral Disorders coding. This four-part Learning Path includes and features updated guidelines and codes specific to 2022. The guidelines in Chapter 5 of ICD-10-CM have significant updates and are discussed in Part 1. Part 2 includes the application of Guidelines including coding and Coding Clinic scenarios. Combination codes are discussed including the application of the “With” Coding Guideline I.A.15. New codes for 2022 will be presented and discussed, specifically synthetic cannabinoids, depression NOS and non-suicidal self-injury. This learning path provides 1 approved AAPC CEU and can be used towards 1 AHIMA CEU | Duration: 1 hour.

LP Learning Objectives:

  • Review Coding Guidelines for Chapter 5
  • Examine substance use disorders, specifically alcohol, drugs and nicotine
  • Identify the difference between the new code for synthetic cannabinoids and the codes for cannabis
  • Discuss combination codes, including the application of the “With” Guideline I.A.15.
  • Define symptoms, causes, and types of depression
  • Discuss the 2022 new code for coding depression NOS and the importance of correct classification
  • Describe non-suicidal self-injury, symptoms, other names, and behavior
  • Apply and discuss certain Coding Clinic advice

The courses included within this learning path are:

  • Mental and Behavioral Disorders Guidelines
  • Mental and Behavioral Disorders Application
  • Mental and Behavioral Disorders Depression
  • Mental and Behavioral Disorders NSSI

Educators: Ann Zeisset, RHIT, CCS, CCS-P and Teri Jorwic, MPH, RHIA, CCS, CCS-P, FAHIMA.